The Bestiary

Many weird and wonderful creatures are known to call the Draca Lands home, some of them small some of them large and some still of the mythological.

Aaglukaleq: A species of hare with large deor-like antlers, which can grow as tall as a man. Aaglukaleq are found mainly in the frozen north and are hunted as part of a rite of passage for young northern men. Their thick coats are then made into a qallersaat a special cloak which is given to their future bride and the antlers are hung above the hearth of the marital home.

Amaroq: A species of wulf native to the frozen north, they have thick white fur and grow to almost as tall as humans. They are dangerous predators and do not shy away from hunting men.

Analafugl: A species of crane which unlike most cranes is carnivorous and territorial. They have a mane of feathers and feathers also grow halfway down their long legs and their faces resemble that of an egle with sharply hooked beaks.

Apa: A tree-dwelling animal found in tropical jungles; it has long limbs, opposable thumbs and a long tail. Apa prove popular pets due to their mischievous yet endearing personalities.

Aput Puuluki: A species of swin with white skin covered in coarse hair. They have flattened snouts with small tusks and a horse shoe shaped mane of thick white fur.

Bandamiss: A species of tygre found in jungles, they are the smallest tygre no bigger than a hung. Their fur is short and golden brown with black spots and their tails are bushy.

Bera: Four legged creatures with bulky bodies, long snouts, and large claws that often make their homes in caves.

Booxiix: A species of deor with stocky bodies covered in short black fur with a short bristly mane and long black horns which curve backwards.

Buta: A large swin with a triangular body with a long snout, a tufted tail, two tusks on its lower lip which curve upwards with two more protruding through its upper snout like horns, and its coat is a red and brown speckled color.

Catt: Feline animal with a long body, little paws with retractable claws and pointed ears.

Che'chun: A species of elefaunt which lives in the jungle, they have soft brown fur, short trunks, little ears, and curved tusks. They are often trained for labour, felling trees and carrying goods.

Chi'iikisiin: Large flightless birds twice the height of a man which have long talons and a sharp beaks. They are carnivorous often eating small mammals and other birds. Chi’iikisiin can be bred as war steeds as they are large enough to ride and have a fierce nature.

Chowakak: An armoured rat covered with scales. They have long claws for climbing trees and long tongues for scooping nectar from flowers. They are found in thick jungles and are often hunted in order to create scaled Armour.

Cicen: Wild fowl with rounded bodies whose wings are short and blunted, which are only used for flying short distances. The males have combs and wattles. They are often bred domestically for food production.

Cou: Hoofed cattle, bred from Oxa for domestic and production purposes.

Crane: Long legged birds with long necks and beaks, their bodies are wedge shaped and they are found in wetlands.

Crowe: A large black bird with a strong beak. Having a crowe roost on your property is considered a bad omen.

Deor: Four-legged hoofed animals found in forests with lean bodies, short snouts, and males often have antlers or horns.

Deorc Wulf: A rare species of wulf that typically hunt alone. They are the same height as a man and have a thick black coat and saber teeth.

Destiny Beast: Destiny beasts are mythological creatures that are said to have near human intelligence. It is believed that destiny beasts choose for themselves a human companion and lead that person towards their destiny. Destiny beasts are not always easy to identify as they are not specific to a single species of animal. In the tongue of the Maaknalach they are called iik' aalak' which means spirit animal, while the northern men call them kukikangut which means an animal which is like a man, and in the east they are called ninikimono. Throughout history the status of destiny beast has often been attributed to many animal companions of great men and women.

Dolfin: A creature similar to a whale but with small tubular bodies with long snouts and swim in family groups.

Draca: The draca are creatures of legend who gave the Draca Lands their name. Draca are depicted as large lusards. They have four clawed legs, two huge leather wings, horned heads, and spikes running down their spine. Besides their enormous size another astounding characteristic of the draca is their ability to mix either a flammable or freezing agent simultaneously with a catalytic fluid, giving them either fire or ice breath depending upon the subspecies. For this very reason humans have hunted the draca to reduce the threat they present and to harvest the properties of their fluid pouches. Thus the draca declined in number to the point of near extinct.

Duce: A water fowl with a triangular body and webbed feet, which they use for diving deep under water in search of food.

Egle: A bird of prey with tapered wings, long talons and a hooked beak.

Elefaunt: A large creature with four column like legs, bulky bodies, thin tufted tails, large hears and ears with a long trunk.

Fesant: Game fowl which are hunted for their colourful plumage.

Fjallqeit: A species of gote with long shaggy grey fur and curled horns.

Fowl: Birds commonly used for hunting.

Fox: Small four legged creatures with long snouts, pointed ears and bushy tails, their fur is thick and reddish brown with a white underbelly. Their ears, paws, and snouts are black and the tips of their tails are white. They are solitary animals and live in dens.

Fish: Scaled underwater creatures with fins.

Golden Kitsune: A subspecies of Kitsune whose coat is a golden brown instead of a deep red. Traditionally they are hunted by the men of the east during a coming of age ceremony. See Kitsune

Gote: A four-legged cloven-hoofed animal with small horns and a little triangular tail.

Grarfjall: This species of deor more closely resembles a gote. They have short legs and tails with pointed black horns. Their coats are a mottle of grey and brown with black around their nose and knees. They tend to be more solitary than most deor found alone or in small herds of two or three.

Hare: A rodent with a rounded body, large hind legs for jumping, long ears and a little triangular tail. They are muscular and largish in size able to travel long distances. In the winter their coats are white and in summer they shed to brown.

Hlauorn: An egle with a body similar to a tygre. Its head is of an egle, with large wings protruding from its shoulder blades and its four fur-covered legs end in talons. Lastly, it has a long fur tail with a tufted end. Hlauorn are used as steeds because they are easily trained and have prowess both on land and in the skies. They are also very territorial and fiercely loyal.

Hiistinori: A species of horse from the frozen north. They are large with grey coats and white manes and they are known for their speed. The Hiistinori are kept by the men of the north as they allow them to travel great distances in a short space of time and they can weather blizzards well.

Horse: Large hoofed animals with four legs, a mane running down their neck, and a long haired tail. Horses are trained for labour, transport, and as war steeds.

Holtdeor: A species of deor with white spiraled horns, their fur is a reddish brown with white stripes across their backs. Their tails are long with a tuft of hair at the end.

Holthog: A species of swin covered with golden brown hair with a cream coloured mane running down their backs. Their ears and long and tufted as are their tails and they are found in woodlands.

Hund: A canine originally bread from wulfs, with short snouts, thin tails and small paws. They are kept purely for domestic purposes.

Hvassmus: A species of mus with a short snout and whiskers who is covered in short spines. Their spines are used for protection as they roll up into a ball when predators approach.

Iik' aalak': See Destiny Beast.

Ka'abaak: A species of swin which are dusky brown in colour and have two sets of tusks pointing out from each side of its snout.

Ka'ook: A species of rabet which stand on their hind legs which a large and powerful which they use to propel them through the air in bounds supported by a long thick muscular tail which also helps them to balance.

Kellir Bjorn: A species of bera with brown fur and long claws.

Kendeor: A species of deor with long straight antlers whose prongs come off the main antler like the stem of a leaf, they have the longest antlers of any deor. Their coats are reddish brown with white speckles and a white chest. Their tails are short and triangular and flicked up at the end.

Kiixtseek: A species of deor which has two long sharply spiralled horns. Their fur is short and brown and they have particularly long ears.

Kitsune: A species of fox which has large ears and nine long tails which it uses to make it appear larger than it is in order to frighten off prey.

Koi: A species of fish that comes in a variety of colours and is very decorative. They come from the east and are kept in ponds and fountains.

K'o'oxmiss: A species of catt found in thick jungle. They have bushy tails and golden fur with black stripes and spots for camouflage. Unlike most species of catt they hunt in groups.

Kukikangut: See Destiny Beast

Kulchun: The smallest species of elefaunt, they have a long trunk and lower lip at the end of which are short tusks. They also have short tusks at the top of their trunk.

Kuma: A species of bera found on the Isle of Wivern. They are small and have black fur with a white diamond-shape on their chest. They are very aggressive and often attack people.

Kuroshishi: A species of tygre who are nocturnal and native to the Isle of Wivern, they have black fur and spend most of their time in the trees.

Langrtonn: A species of elefaunt found in the west which has thick grey skin and four tusks, short tusks on the upper lip and longer straight tusks on the lower lip. They are often trained for labour and also as war steeds.

Liiveq: A species of tygre native to the frozen north, they have large muscular front quarters and a large white mane around their neck, their coat if a grayish white and their most distinguishing feature is the large black horns on their heads.

Lusard: A reptilian creature with scales, four legs and a very long tail.

Lytlebet: A species of rabet which looks rather like an over sized mus but with rounded ears and no tail. They live alone in small hollowed out trees.

Mus: A small rodent with a roundish body, little limbs, round ears, long whiskers and a long, fur less tail.

Nannook: The largest species of bera found in the frozen north. They have thick white coats and large paws which help them to walk upon ice sheets.

Nagguaastoq: The largest species of elefaunt roughly the size of a several storey building, it has thick grey fur and long curved tusks. They are native to the frozen north and are killed for their meat and fur while others are trained for labour.

Neko: A species of catt found on the Isle of Wivern. They have short tails and little pointed ears. Their coats are a mottled brown and they hunt in forests. They are often captured and domesticated as pets.

Ninikimono: See Destiny Beast.

Nohoucha: The largest species of apa. They live mainly on the ground and have no tail. Their fur is thick and black and they have muscular bodies.

Ookami: A species of wulf native to the Isle of Wivern, they are small wulfs not growing taller than a man’s knee. They are solitary and have light grey and brown coats with short stubby tails.

Orpiisti: A species of deor found in the frozen north. They are larger than horses in size and have antlers with semi-joined prongs. Their coat is thick and white with short white tails.

Oter: A creature roughly the size of a hund with an elongated body with short legs and clawed paws, they have long tails and rounded ears and are mainly aquatic spending most of their time fishing.

Oukanori: A crested fowl, their plumage is blue and they have crested heads. The males have large tail feathers which they fan out displaying decorative feathers. They are often kept as show animals by nobility.

Owle: A nocturnal bird with a rounded face with a small beak and forward facing eyes which are surrounded by a circle of feathers making them appear large.

Oxa: A four-legged hoofed animal with a stocky body, long tail and horns curved into a heart shape above its head.

Qitsuk: A species of catt with sharply pointed ears and a pointy snout. Their tails are long and bushy and their coats are thick and white in colour with speckles of black on its body and black rings around its tail.

Rabet: A rodent with a rounded body, large hind legs for jumping, long ears and a little triangular tail.

Rat: A rodent which is larger than a mus but similar in shape, they are found in woodlands or in places where humans leave scraps of food.

Ryu: See Wivern

Sakanahae: A flying fish with long wing-like fins, which allow it to soar through the air for a prolonged period of time when it leaps from the water.

Sandr Weosule: A species of weosule found in the plains of the southern lands, they are a sandy colour with rounded ears and live in large family groups underground.

Sheep: A cloven hoofed animal with four short legs and a stocky body, they are bred domestically for wool and meat.

Shika: A species of deor only found on the Isle of Wivern. This deor’s antlers are large and intricate, from the main antler it splits into four prongs with each splitting again into three and so on. Their coats are a dark brown with light speckles.

Sky Whale: Sky whales are mythological whales that are said to be omens of good fortune. It is believed that people who see sky whales are destined for greatness. Little is known about these mysterious creatures as they live high above the clouds. They are reported to be vast in size and white in colour and sing in a voice more beautiful than any birds. The first recorded sighting of a sky whale was by Andor Ragnarr the first king of Ragnarr. However it is noted that the attribution of greatness to a sighting of a sky whale was due to the rise of Eadgard the Great who reportedly saw a sky whale as a young man.

Snaca: A reptilian creature with a long scaled body, a small head and sharp, poisonous fangs.

Soltygre: A species of tygre which live in packs, they have sand coloured fur and the males have thick manes. They can grow to the size of a man and have been known to eat men.

Sootz: A flying mus with leather wings spreading forth from its forearms. Its ears are large and its snout is short. It is a nocturnal animal commonly found in caves.

Swin: A creature with a small stocky body, short legs with trotters, a long snouts, and triangular ears. Swin can refer to these creatures in general or a subspecies bred specially for farming.

Taman Tunich: A species of sheep found in mountainous areas. Their wool is brown and they have spiralling horns.

Tiigeveq: A species of tygre found only in the frozen north, they are the size of horses and are white with black stripes and have half manes and saber teeth. With work they can be trained as steeds.

Timmimeq: A torpedo shaped sea bird with long flipper-like wings and a short tail. They have long pointed beaks and clawed webbed feet and are black and white in colour. They nest around the coast of the frozen north but spend most of their lives at sea.

Tora: A species of tygre with long tails, half manes, and are camouflaged with orange fur with black stripes. The people of the Isle of Wivern are skilled trainers of tora and ride them as war steeds.

Tuucha: A species of apa with long bushy tails. They have long limbs which they use to swing from tree to tree and they have the most human-like faces of all the species of apa.

Tuuchoolis: A species of apa with roundish bodies, short limbs and long tails.

T'uut': Tropical birds with sharp beaks who come in a variety of plumage and are found in jungles.

Tygre: A large feline creature with huge paws, short whiskers and sharp fangs.

Ukaleqimmeq: A species of hare which more closely resembles a hund with a canine body, a short triangular flicked up tail, long ears, and buck teeth. They are found in packs throughout the frozen north and are often kept domestically for pulling sleds.

Uma: A species of horse native to the Isle of Wivern who has two long white horns on its head one in front of the other, its coat is a light brown and its back is covered with greenish scales.

Weosule: A long thin-bodied creature with short legs, a long face, little rounded ears and a long tail. They hunt birds and other small animals.

Whale: Large water dwelling animals which filter feed and have long bodies, the length of their fins and flukes may vary but one common feature is a blow hole from which they breathe.

Wivern: Wiverns are legendary creatures who gave the Isle of Wivern its name. Wiverns are close relatives to the draca but with long serpentine bodies. They have no legs, two large leather wings, and spines running the length of their body. Wiverns are skilled predators with amazing speed, agility, and strength. Wiverns were hunted by humans due to the threat they posed to both people and livestock. Thus the wivern became extinct.

Wulf: A canine with four legs, large paws, a bushy tail, long snout, and pointed ears, which typically hunts in packs.

Ya cho'o: An armoured rat with a long snout which is covered in plate-like armour, the plating is used defensively as they will roll up into a ball when approached. They live in open plains and are the size of hunds. Like the chowakak they are also hunted for their armour.

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